19 No Code Web App Builders For 2025 [Ranked Best To Worst]

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Lots of No Code Web App Builders Out There!

In 2023, we shared what we thought were the best no code app builders for non tech founders.

Since then, a lot of new no code app builders have entered the market.

Existing ones have also diversified or doubled down on what made them popular.

huge number of no code web app builders available today
Tuesday night at the no code app builder marketplace.

And so, we thought it was time to do an updated review of available options. 

Dear non tech founders, here are 19 no code web app builders in 2025, ranked from best to worst. 

Keep scrolling to see how we ranked them, or click here to skip to the list!

Our No Code App Builder Comparison Framework

We needed a reliable way to compare our 19 no code web app builders, and settled on a comparison framework based on seven metrics:

MetricDescriptionScore (0-2) 
Customisation optionsMake powerful apps with built-in components alone
Extend with custom codeFurther customize with my own code
TemplatesMinimal edits needed to be launch-ready
Code exportCan download source code any time
Success StoriesLots of finished projects on their showcase page
Mobile & WebCan build both a mobile and web app if I want
DocumentationCan refer to official guides if stuck on a range of topics

Collectively, these measure all the parts of a no code app builder a founder would want.

The scoring is quite straightforward: 

  • If an app builder doesn’t meet the description of a metric, it gets a zero.
  • If it barely satisfies the description, it gets a 1.
  • If it goes above and beyond this minimum, it gets a 2.

Then we tally the scores and see which web app builder scored the highest, with a maximum score of 14.

From there, we sorted them into four tiers.

No Code App Builder Tiers

God14Perfect in every metric.
A10-13Well-rounded, often excel at a specific area.
B5- 9Severely lacking in certain key metrics.
C0 – 4Very limited functionality.

And now, let’s see those web app builders.

God-Tier No Code App Builders

As expected, none of the no code app builders we reviewed achieved a perfect score. 

Turns out even the best no code app builders of 2025 aren’t quite on par with fullstack development yet.

node js is a god tier app builder
Behold, the one true God-Tier app builder.

Good news is if you’re looking for fullstack web app developers, the Upstack Studio team is pretty dang good at it – check out our portfolio!

A-Tier No Code App Builders

These no code app builders excelled at their area of focus, whether that was extremely feature-rich pre-built components or custom code import from multiple external frameworks.

We’d comfortably recommend them for any relevant use case.

1. Builder.io 👑

Total score: 13/14

builder.io homepage and the best no code web app builder we found for non tech founders
Customisation options2
Extend with custom code2
Code export2
Success Stories2
Web and mobile2

2. Plasmic

Total score: 12/14

plasmic no code web app builder homepage
Customisation options2
Extend with custom code2
Code export2
Success Stories2
Web and mobile1

3. Retool

Total score: 12/14

Retool homepage
Customisation options2
Extend with custom code2
Code export0
Success Stories2
Web and mobile2

4. Appsmith

Total score: 11/14

appsmith homepage
Customisation options2
Extend with custom code2
Code export2
Success Stories2
Web and mobile0

5. Bubble

Total score: 10/14

bubble no code app builder interface
Customisation options2
Extend with custom code1
Code export0
Success Stories2
Web and mobile1

6. Adalo

Total score: 10/14

adalo homepage
Customisation options1
Extend with custom code1
Code export0
Success Stories2
Web and mobile2

7. WeWeb

Total score: 10/14

weweb homepage and drag and drop no code app builder
Customisation options2
Extend with custom code2
Code export2
Success Stories1
Web and mobile0

8. Drapcode

Total score: 10/14

drapcode homepage
Customisation options2
Extend with custom code2
Code export2
Success Stories0
Web and mobile1

B-Tier No Code App Builders

These no code app builders could probably help the average non tech founder crank out a simple MVP.

We wouldn’t rely on them for complex use cases though.

9. Knack

Total score: 9/14

knack homepage
Customisation options2
Extend with custom code1
Code export0
Success Stories2
Web and mobile0

10. Wappler

Total score: 9/14

Wappler homepage
Customisation options2
Extend with custom code2
Code export2
Success Stories0
Web and mobile1

11. Glide

Total score: 8/14

glide no code app builder homepage
Customisation options1
Extend with custom code0
Code export0
Success Stories2
Web and mobile1


Total score: 8/14

softr homepage
Customisation options1
Extend with custom code1
Code export0
Success Stories2
Web and mobile0

13. Wized + Webflow

Total score: 8/14

wized using webflow as a no code app builder for web apps
Customisation options1
Extend with custom code1
Code export0
Success Stories1
Web and mobile1

14. GoodBarber

Total score: 7/14

goodbarber homepage
Customisation options1
Extend with custom code1
Code export0
Success Stories1
Web and mobile2

15. Bildr

Total score: 7/14

bildr homepage
Customisation options2
Extend with custom code2
Code export1
Success Stories1
Web and mobile0

16. Noloco

Total score: 6/14

noloco homepage
Customisation options1
Extend with custom code0
Code export0
Success Stories1
Web and mobile1

17. Voltapp

Total score: 5/14

voltapp homepage
Customisation options1
Extend with custom code1
Code export0
Success Stories0
Web and mobile1

C-Tier (💩) No Code App Builder

You know how the UN says there are no undeveloped countries, just developing ones?

Let’s be kind and call these developing no code web app builders!

We wouldn’t use them as they are today, but can’t wait to check back in a year to see what they’ve become.

18. Stacker

Total score: 4/14

stacker hq homepage
Customisation options1
Extend with custom code0
Code export0
Success Stories1
Web and mobile0


Total score: 3/14

mintdata homepage and worst no code web app builder
Customisation options1
Extend with custom code0
Code export0
Success Stories0
Web and mobile0

Disclaimer: Same Score Doesn’t Mean Same Use Case!

This ranking is based on overall score across seven different metrics.

Some metrics like documentation should be equally important to everyone.

Meanwhile, others like code import and export will matter more to certain founders.

In practice, this means two things for you:

  1. Two app builders with the same overall score won’t be equally viable.
  2. An app builder with a lower overall score could outperform one with a slightly higher score.

Happy building! 

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