Why You Should Stop Watching “SaaS Ideas” Videos On YouTube

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Who Finds SaaS Ideas on YouTube?

Dozens upon dozens of ‘great SaaS ideas’ are pitched by content creators on YouTube.

Including our founder Adrian, by the way.

Adrian's youtube channel that has saas ideas videos
If you love lame jokes, check out Adrian’s channel!

Taken at face value, there must be tens of millions of dollars worth of ideas just waiting to be turned into actual apps.

However, we at Upstack Studio can’t help but wonder just how many of these have happened.

We’d be prepared to bet that number is zero – and that’s a problem.

Why SaaS Idea Videos Are Inferior 

Look, we’re not saying app and SaaS idea videos have zero value – they have some.

But that’s like asking if junk food has zero nutritional value.

It has some, but if all you ate was junk food, would you supply your body with enough nutrients to be healthy?

saas idea videos providing the same value as junk food
Cheesier than Adrian’s jokes, and that’s saying something.

No, and you know it.

But junk food is super tasty and fun to eat, making it oh-so-easy to overindulge.

And before you know it, you’ve replaced your eight daily glasses of water with eight vanilla caramel milkshakes.

Here’s the thing: SaaS and App idea videos are the junk food of software development.

They’re fun to watch, and it’s oh-so-easy to overindulge.

And before you know it, your head is crammed with a hundred million-dollar ideas and zero knowledge of execution. 

4 Types of SaaS Video Content That Make Better Founders

Let’s continue our analogy of SaaS ideas videos as the junk food of the software world.

What then, would be more nutritious forms of content? 

Well, here you go: The Upstack Studio Content Food Pyramid!

Let’s delve deeper into each layer of the content pyramid.

1. Research & Validation Methods

This is the kind of content where you learn about:

  • New platforms where you can find and validate ideas
  • New tools that can speed up the validation process
  • New marketing and psychology tips that extract more honest audience feedback

Deeper knowledge of all three makes you better at finding great app ideas of your own.

2. Case Studies & Business Model Deep Dives

With case studies, you’re studying something with proven success, and specifically, you’re looking for reliable processes instead of hoping to get spoon-fed results.

Clearly the founders of eight-figure SaaS did something right.

If you can adopt their practices and learn from their mistakes, you’re not just more likely to find a viable idea, but successfully execute that idea.

If that sounds good, start with our case study on Alex Turnbull, a non tech founder who built a 10 million dollar SaaS. 

GrooveHQ: How Alex Turnbull Built a Successful $10M Software With Zero Technical Knowledge
It’s always the nerdy ones you gotta watch out for.

Alex did something very gutsy – we think so anyway, but you be the judge.

3. App Development Methods

From what we can tell, YouTube content creators do research before suggesting SaaS ideas.

We’ve never come across anything that sounded outrageous or unrealistic.

So pick one and build it!

By far, the biggest learning experience for you will be interacting with real users, including: 

  • Finding individuals that fit your target demographic
  • Asking for feedback and early testers
  • Deciding on loyalty programs, and
  • Learning to say no to ridiculous requests

And for that, you’ll probably find our guide on how to create an app in 12 weeks useful. 

4. Live Life!

Life is a type of content and the more of it you consume, the more experience you gain.

In fact, you’ll notice that a lot of founders are not just glued to their screens 24/7. 

They go out and experience the world.

They meet people, learn new skills, discover new talents, and along the way, it directly or indirectly makes them better overall problem-solvers.

The guy who built Ruby on Rails is literally a race car driver!

So how do you live more life?

We don’t know, because as obedient app developers we don’t have lives!

We guess join a club or something?

Hey there stranger, thanks for reading all the way to the end. Consider joining our mailing list for a one-stop resource on everything from micro SaaS validation all the way to execution and promotion. Get a nifty list of questions to ask app developers when you sign up!

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