Everybody Wants To Build Micro SaaS Now
Looks like people are really keen on finding profitable Micro SaaS ideas.
Upstack Studio is about giving people what they want (when it’s good for them).
We dug through pages upon pages of Reddit comments, app marketplaces, and user reviews to bring you the goods.
Here are five Micro SaaS ideas with potential to reach $10k / month in revenue.
What the heck is a Micro SaaS?

‘Micro SaaS’ is a form of Software as a Service (SaaS) serving a highly specific, often singular niche.
Think of it as the difference between a plumber and a husband.
With enough nagging, a husband can do a variety of house repairs fairly well.
However, an overflowing toilet bowl will need a plumber for specialist repairs.

By specializing, a Micro SaaS can (in theory) provide a superior experience for a particular service compared to larger, more generalist SaaS products.
The ‘superior experience’ of a Micro SaaS can include:
- additional features
- lower prices
- faster customer service, or
- a simpler interface (can you believe some people don’t like complicated apps?)
Common Micro SaaS Features
Micro SaaS ideas and ventures offer all the potential benefits of regular SaaS enterprises with almost none of the downsides, thanks to having the following features:
- managed by a small team
- low – no initial capital investment
- built using low code and no code tools
- abuse any and all free trials!
- fast to pivot
- leverage audiences of larger SaaS
- simple, no-nonsense, intuitive interfaces
In other words, they are the perfect choice for would-be founders who lack technical expertise and financial resources and just want to try making some cool shit.

5 Micro SaaS Ideas For You To Try in 2024
Just a heads up: you’ll see a bias towards B2B products in our list simply because in our humble opinion, it’s usually easier to predict the success of a product meant for businesses compared to consumers.
With B2B, clients spend money to make more money – super straightforward.
Meanwhile, B2C clients spend money to feel better – way more subjective.
You’d have to think about feelings and emotions.
Idea #1: An ACTUAL Infographic Automator
The idea: An app that allows you to input content and converts to infographics with company branding
The market: SMEs and marketing teams
Infographics are used by businesses for a variety of reasons, from education to brand awareness and backlink opportunities and email honey pots.
We use them everywhere.
Problem is proper infographics are one of the most resource intensive visual mediums to produce.
There are ‘infographic makers’, but as of publishing this, none make a truly post-ready infographic.
Best we could find is a very new service called Infographic Ninja which does automate infographics, but with a watermark that makes it fairly hard to use.

Design teams and SMEs would love a web app that can:
- take input
- understand input, and
- suggest a variety of attractive infographic layouts
The keyword here is ‘attractive’ – the designs must be eye-catching.
The user then picks one and the app inserts the content into the infographic, customizing iconography to align with the subject matter.
For a price, users can create unlimited infographics and upload company assets like logos, keywords, trainer profiles, and colors, and the infographic maker always fits these into the design.
Add in social media integration for automated posting and you’ve got a *chefs kiss* goldmine.
It’s one of our favorite Micro SaaS ideas on this list.
Idea #2: Google Reviews + AI Translator WordPress Plugin
The idea: A plugin combining Google reviews with an automatic translator
The market: Site owners with international audiences
The WordPress plugin store is massive and It feels like there’s a plugin for friggin everything.

The WordPress plugin market is saturated, and finding legitimate gaps is hard.
But go onto the WordPress subreddit and you’ll find threads asking for plugin Micro SaaS ideas all the time.
Inevitably, someone leaves a helpful comment that reads like this:

There’s a reason threads about WordPress plugin ideas keep getting made – WordPress is still the most popular CMS builder in the world.
In spite of competitors like Webflow and Laravel, 65% of sites with a CMS still use WordPress.
That’s a lot of developers and business owners you could market your Micro SaaS to.
Here’s a gap: multiple plugins pull Google Reviews and offer translations, but none do both.
Site owners targeting international audiences will need two separate plugins.
You could reduce it to one, saving time and backend space.
We were very surprised since it’s a no-brainer of a plugin idea.
It may not seem like much but remember the WordPress plugin market is a game of inches.
You’re offering an inch of convenience.
If you’re a dude, you know how much of a difference one inch can make.
Idea #3: VR-assisted Clothing Try-on Shopify App
The idea: A VR app applying watch SKUs to wrists with precise case size and lug to lug length
The market: Merchants selling low to high-end watches
Clothing and fashion stores on Shopify account for just under 40% of all stores on the platform.
The gap we see: variety in VR Try-on apps
These apps let users project digital scans of products onto live videos of themselves via their cameras.

If you searched Shopify’s app store, you’ll find a few VR try-ons for makeup and face-centric accessories.
However, you won’t find one specifically focusing on wrists.
Why wrists?
One of the most important parts of finding the right watch is matching the case diameter and lug-to-lug length with wrist size.
This is why watch specialists like Chrono24 let users see how specific watch sizes look on their wrists.

There’s nothing quite like it on the Shopify App Store, meaning you have a shot at a clear market.
Position yourself as the VR try-on provider to any merchant aiming to be the watch shop king of Shopify.
Idea #4: AI-assisted ‘Decision Tree’ WordPress Plugin
The idea: A plugin providing new site visitors with a series of questions and directs them accordingly
The market: Online businesses with multiple products and services
We return to WordPress Plugins, and this time inspired by a request we saw on Reddit:

We checked, and to our surprise, there are decision tree plugins on WordPress.
However, it’s quite telling that this redditor, who seems quite tech-savvy, couldn’t find them.
More likely, they weren’t satisfied with what they found.
The two options we found were a bit dated in UI design.
More importantly, neither decision trees had OpenAI integration.
To us, that’s a fairly obvious Micro SaaS idea use case with tremendous value – heard of Cody?
It allows businesses to upload documents and product files into an internal database, and the AI is a 100-year-old librarian who knows where every page in every book on every shelf is.
Imagine a decision tree plugin supported by an AI like Cody.
Suddenly you don’t need a flowchart of questions.
One rough explanation and the AI directs visitors to a page or provides a list of links.
You already have one customer: u/rasterized!
Idea #5: A Pay-Per-Use Grammar Figma Plugin
The idea: A Grammar Figma Plugin that allows targeted reviews and charges accordingly.
The market: Any designer dealing with overseas clients
For our final Micro SaaS idea – which, big surprise, is also a plugin – we look to Figma, a leading interface design platform with millions of users from all over the world.
This brings us to one of the biggest pain in the asses developers have to deal with: Grammar.

Many of us are not native speakers, but the money is in countries where English is the first language.
We could dedicate years to perfecting our grammar.
Or we could just install a grammar plugin, of which there are already quite a few on Figma.
Don’t let competition discourage you: nobody wants a monopoly in the SaaS world.
It’s a game of gaining inches.
You don’t have to be groundbreaking – just different.
We checked out SPELLL, the most popular grammar plugin, and looked for blood in the comments.
Though most reviews were predictably positive, we saw a few complaints with the issue below:

Users were asking for more on-demand grammar checking instead of automatically for the entire project.
One user even said it was impossible to use on larger files.
Sounds like a Micro SaaS idea just begging to be addressed.
This plugin alone has 124k users, and across the other grammar helpers will be thousands more.
The demand is there. You just need to address market needs.
Offering on-demand checking is a great start, then go through the rest of the plugins to find more complaints you can address.
At this point, other developers are doing market research for you.
Because the market is so competitive, you can’t be charging an arm and a leg for each user, but try one thousand users, or ten thousand.
It really is a game of inches.
Bonus ‘Micro SaaS Idea’: Find your own darn idea!
One of the top questions wasn’t for specific Micro Saas ideas, but how people could find ideas of their own.
We love answering questions like this.
Hopefully you noticed these patterns across our ideas:
- We focus on use cases that improve use experience of large platforms
- We obsessively search subreddits and forums for user requests
- We dive into user review sections to find patterns to complaints, especially recent ones
Stick to these three for a better chance of finding a valid and profitable use case.
Once you’ve found it, time to validate that baby.
When your Micro SaaS idea is ready to grow beyond no code limits, time to get in touch with a mobile and web app developer like Upstack Studio!
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