3 Surefire Steps To Low-Cost Mobile App Development (2025)

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Mobile App Development Cost Estimates

If you wanted to build a custom enterprise-grade mobile app, how much would it cost in 2025?

If you paid in body parts, it costs an arm and a leg!

skeleton to show how much resourcces it takes to build a mobile app
More if you’re on the skinny side.

What if you paid with money, like normal people?

Based on our own past project fees and general mobile app development cost breakdown, it’s likely around these figures:

  • USD 30,000 – 70,000 for end-to-end app development
  • USD 1,000 – 8,000 per month for ongoing app maintenance
  • Up to USD 10,000 for major app changes

We understand that this budget is out of reach for many startups– and we’d like to help!

If you’ve got a million dollar app idea but don’t have a million dollars, here are three steps to lower the cost of building your mobile app as much as possible.

Be Guided by the MVP Approach

An MVP or Minimum Viable Product is how you build a mobile app as cheaply as possible.

It’s often interpreted as a minimally functional app prototype–true in some cases, but not always!

an example of overkill that causes expensive app development
Overkill = over budget!

Look closely at how an MVP is defined:

The most resource-efficient way to accurately communicate your app’s value to users and measure reception.

If you can’t spend a cent less without sacrificing how well users ‘get’ your app, you’re spending just right–crawl before you walk, and walk before you run.

Step 1: Validate Your Idea with a Landing Page + Mailing List

Unless you already have stone cold proof of product market fit, this step is essential.

To our knowledge, nothing else out can validate an app idea as quickly and cheaply.

multiple threads asking for app landing page feedback on reddit
That’s why it’s the choice of broke Redditors 😀

Pick a free landing page builder and create a landing page that clearly communicates:

  1. Your app’s core value proposition
  2. Unique selling points 
  3. A CTA to join a waitlist if interested

You want a minimum of 3% conversions–for every 100 visitors, you collect three emails.  

And if you don’t get any bites, time to forgo the idea.

oj Simpson wearing gloves that don't fit as a joke about product market fit for mobile app idea
If the app don’t fit, you must quit!

You can also leverage industry contacts by networking with professionals, participating in relevant online communities, or conducting surveys to gauge interest.

Optional: Spend on Ads to Increase Total Leads

Paid ads on search engines and social media can help drive more traffic to your landing page.

You’re still aiming for 3%, but 3% of 100,000 visitors is worth a lot more than 3% of 1,000 in terms of potential revenue.

Start with a small budget, test different messaging and visuals, and optimize by engagement. 

Step 2: Build a No Code App Prototype

No-code app builders allow non-technical folks to build apps without writing any code–you can create a mobile app prototype for a fraction of the cost of custom development.

No-code software can struggle with super complex app features and customization but for most early stage prototypes, they are plenty powerful.

Check out FlutterFlow’s showcase–lots of good stuff.

To be honest, the biggest limitation to no code app development is probably you! 

Though not as complex as learning to code, a no code app builder is still a complicated tool you’ll have to learn to build your app.

Prepare to do nothing but learn the builder’s functions your first week–just the basics!.

zepier integrations for low cost mobile app built with no code
And learn how to use APIs–lots and lots of APIs!

If you’re willing to do that, check out our guide to choosing the right no code app builder or our ranking of 15 no code mobile app builders.

Optional: Hire a No-Code Developer to Save Time

Hiring an experienced no-code developer can help you build a more polished prototype faster. 

Think of this as a middle ground between saving time and saving costs:

  • cheaper than a fullstack developer
  • not as time-intensive as you doing all the work
  • higher quality work

The safest way to find them is via the no builder like Adalo’s official platform expert program.

Step 3: Transition to Custom Code When Sensible

At some point, no-code tools may limit your app’s functionality, performance, or scalability. 

Transitioning to a custom-coded app should only happen when:

  • It makes financial sense – You’ve validated demand and secured funding or revenue.
  • The current no-code platform is too limited – You need more customization, advanced features, or better security.

Top Strategies When Selecting a Development Team

Choosing the right development team is crucial for a smooth transition

  • Learn how to hire developers–Ask developers to explain their work processes and how they deal with non technical founders.
  • DON’T go for hourly-based pricing – Fixed-price packages prevent cost creep and ensure clarity on deliverables.
  • Outsource to an offshore development team – Developers in other countries are just as good at a fraction of the cost., especially for longer projects
  • Partner with a tech co-founder–Let a proper geek help manage geeky development stuff while you focus on the business side of things.

Beware Low-Cost App Developers

By now, your mobile app should have proven traction, so custom development isn’t a gamble—it’s an investment.

So, invest in quality developers!

We’ve never encountered proficient developers that proudly positioned themselves as ‘low cost.’

That doesn’t mean hiring the most expensive team—here’s how to keep costs down without sacrificing quality:

  • Look for mid-tier agencies with strong portfolios.
  • Consider hiring independent developers with proven expertise.
  • Negotiate milestone-based payments to ensure quality at every stage.

Remember App Maintenance!

Costs don’t end at launchapp maintenance is an ongoing expense and you better plan for it.

Expect to spend between USD 1,000 – 8,000 per month on regular updates, bug fixes, and improvements.

The Danger of Compromises in Low-Cost Development

Sorry for generalizing, but it’s been our experience that those who seek the cheapest app development solutions are also at the most at risk of making major mistakes.

Say it with us: Low-cost app development is NOT an excuse for a low-quality app.

The ‘V’ in MVP stands for ‘Viable’, meaning whatever you ship must be good enough!

If your app sucks, users won’t accept it and all your cost-saving efforts will be for nothing.

Then it becomes v for Vendetta!

Vengeance against 1-star reviews!

Happy grinding!

If you’re looking to build a mobile application, check out our portfolio of past projects and contact us if you like what you see. Also, consider joining our mailing list for a one-stop resource on everything from micro-SaaS validation all the way to execution and promotion. Get a nifty list of questions to ask app developers when you sign up!

App Developer Interview Questions Template

Download this template now so you know exactly what to ask App Development Agencies! Let us know where should we send it through the form below.

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